Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Some Pictures

This is a shot from the upper entrance to Jenni's neighborhood. It shows what is left of the original Highlands Ranch, and how much higher than it is than Denver in the distance. I hope you can see the downtown buildings in the upper right.

Here is Chase with his new T-Ball baseball hat. I havn't seen him without it all daly.
Here is Zach on the landing leading to his parents bed room. On the left is their playroom and on the right is the hall leading to the three bedrooms and bathroom.
Here is a bull on the ranch with the rockies in the background. Sorry I didn't get the pictures a very good order.
This is the originall ranch house and out buildings, etc.

This is the entrance to the neighborhood accross the street from the ranch where the bull was standing.
Here is Chase sleeping with his soccor trophy. After his first T-Ball practice he asked where his new T-ball trophy was.

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